This web page is used to distribute unofficial versions of the TrustedQSL software. Please see the ARRL®'s Logbook of the World site for a pointer to official software.
The Logbook query page at can be used to query your QSOs and QSLs, with the ability to select by a number of criteria.
The following table lists the various types of files used by the TrustedQSL software and what they are used for.
File Type | Usage |
tq5 | Certificate request. Generated by TQSLcert (TQSL for 2.0 or later) and uploaded to the LoTW site. |
tq6 | Signed certificate. Created by LoTW in response to a user.s tq5 request, loaded into TQSLcert (TQSL for 2.0 or later). |
tq7 | An uncompressed signed log extract. Loaded into LoTW which processes the log and adds the QSOs to your list. |
tq8 | A compressed signed log extract. Loaded into LoTW which processes the log and adds the QSOs to your list. Created by TQSL. |
p12 | A saved user callsign certificate with the associated private key. Can be used to recover from a lost certificate, hard drive failure, or to move TrustedQSL to another computer. Created and loaded by TQSLcert (TQSL for 2.0 and later). |
tbk | A TQSL backup file. Contains a backup of the user's Callsign Certificates, Station Locations, preferences, and upload details. This can be used to move all of the TQSL information from one computer to another. Created and loaded by TQSL (2.0 or later). |
The following table lists the fields from your ADIF file that TQSL processes for upload. Any other fields from your log are ignored by TQSL and cannot be retrieved from the LoTW system.
ADIF Field | Description | Presence |
BAND | Band where you transmitted | |
BAND_RX | Your receive band | Optional |
CALL | Callsign of the station worked | |
FREQ | Frequency of the QSO | Optional |
FREQ_RX | Your receive frequency | Optional |
MODE | QSO mode or mode group (PHONE, CW, etc.) | |
PROP_MODE | Propagation mode | Set to SAT in Satellite QSOs, otherwise, optional. |
QSO_DATE | UTC Date of the QSO | |
TIME_ON | Start time of the QSO | |
SAT_NAME | Name of the satellite used | If and only if PROP_MODE is SAT |
The following table lists the fields from your station location that TQSL processes for determining where QSOs were made.
Field | Description |
AU_STATE | Australian State |
CA_PROVINCE | Canadian Province |
CA_US_PARK | NPOTA Entities in Canada |
CN_PROVINCE | Chinese Province |
CQZ | CQ Zone |
DXCC | DXCC Entity |
DX_US_PARK | NPOTA Entities outside US/Canada |
FI_KUNTA | Finland Kuntas |
GRIDSQUARE | Maidenhead Grid Square |
IOTA | Islands On the Air Entity |
ITUZ | ITU Zone |
RU_OBLAST | Russian Oblast |
US_COUNTY | US County name |
US_PARK | NPOTA Entity |
US_STATE | US State |
MY_CNTY | Used to verify the County (Secondary Administrative Subdivision) of the operator against the Station Location. |
MY_COUNTRY | Used to verify the DXCC Entity of the operator against the Station Location. |
MY_CQ_ZONE | Used to verify the CQ Zone of the operator against the Station Location. |
MY_GRIDSQUARE | Used to verify the gridsquare of the operator against the Station Location. |
MY_IOTA | Used to verify the IOTA identifier of the operator against the Station Location. |
MY_ITU_ZONE | Used to verify the ITU Zone of the operator against the Station Location. |
MY_STATE | Used to verify the State (Primary Administrative Subdivision) of the operator against the Station Location. | MY_VUCC_GRIDS | Used to provide a grid corner or edge of the operator to verify against the Station Location. |
TQSL | Info as contained in ADIF 3.1.2 spec | ||||
Field | Req/Opt | Field Name | Data Type | Enumeration | Description |
CALL | Req | CALL | String | N/A | the contacted station's Callsign |
BAND | Opt1 | BAND | Enumeration | Band | QSO Band |
MODE | Req | MODE | Enumeration | Mode | QSO Mode |
SUBMODE | Opt | SUBMODE | String | Submode | QSO Submode - use enumeration values for interoperability |
QSO_DATE | Req | QSO_DATE | Date | N/A | date on which QSO started |
TIME_ON | Req | TIME_ON | Time | N/A | HHMM or HHMMSS in UTC |
FREQ | Opt1 | FREQ | Number | N/A 7 | QSO frequency in Megahertz |
FREQ_RX | Opt | FREQ_RX | Number | N/A 7 | in a split frequency QSO, the logging station's receiving frequency in Megahertz |
BAND_RX | Opt | BAND_RX | Enumeration | Band | |
SAT_NAME | Opt | SAT_NAME | String | name of satellite | |
PROP_MODE | Opt2 | PROP_MODE | Enumeration | Propagation Mode | QSO propagation mode |
MY_CNTY | Opt | MY_CNTY | Enumeration | (Secondary Administrative Subdivision, function of MY_DXCC field's value) | the logging station's Secondary Administrative Subdivision (e.g. US county, JA Gun), in the specified format |
MY_COUNTRY | Opt | MY_COUNTRY | String | Country | the logging station's DXCC entity name |
MY_CQ_ZONE | Opt | MY_CQ_ZONE | PositiveInteger | the logging station's CQ Zone in the range 1 to 40 (inclusive) | |
MY_DXCC | Opt | MY_DXCC | Enumeration | DXCC Entity Code | the logging station's DXCC Entity Code 3 |
MY_GRIDSQUARE | Opt | MY_GRIDSQUARE | GridSquare | the logging station's 2-character, 4-character, 6-character, or 8-character Maidenhead Grid Square | |
MY_IOTA | Opt | MY_IOTA | IOTARefNo | N/A | |
MY_ITU_ZONE | Opt | MY_ITU_ZONE | PositiveInteger | N/A | the logging station's ITU zone in the range 1 to 90 (inclusive) |
MY_STATE | Opt | MY_STATE | Enumeration | (Primary Administrative Subdivision, function of MY_DXCC field's value) | the code for the logging station's Primary Administrative Subdivision (e.g. US State, JA Island, VE Province) |
MY_VUCC_GRIDS | Opt | MY_VUCC_GRIDS | GridSquareList | N/A | two or four adjacent Maidenhead grid locators, each four characters long, representing the logging station's grid squares that the contacted station may claim for the ARRL VUCC award program. E.g. EN98,FM08,EM97,FM07 |
OPERATOR | Opt | OPERATOR | String | N/A | the logging operator's callsign 4 |
STATION_CALLSIGN | Opt | STATION_CALLSIGN | String | N/A | the logging station's callsign (the callsign used over the air) 5 |
OWNER_CALLSIGN | Opt | OWNER_CALLSIGN | String | N/A | the callsign of the owner of the station used to log the contact (the callsign of the OPERATOR's host) |
Notes: | |||||
1 Either BAND or FREQ must be provided. If only FREQ is provided, the band is inferred. If both are provided, the BAND is used. | |||||
2 If SAT_NAME is provided, PROP_MODE must be set to SAT. | |||||
3 <MY_DXCC:1>0 means that the logging station is known not to be within a DXCC entity. | |||||
4 if OWNER_CALLSIGN is absent, STATION_CALLSIGN shall be treated as both the logging station's callsign and the callsign of the owner of the station | |||||
5 if STATION_CALLSIGN is absent, OPERATOR shall be treated as both the logging station's callsign and the logging operator's callsign | |||||
6 if OWNER_CALLSIGN is absent, STATION_CALLSIGN shall be treated as both the logging station's callsign and the callsign of the owner of the station | |||||
7 The frequency must be consistent with an entry in the BAND enumeration. |
I've tried to recover the website from the wayback machine. Most of it's working well enough to be useful. Click this logo

My e-mail address is k1mu at arrl -dot- net.